Friday, July 29, 2022

On " Philadelphia 11" Day 2022

                    Me , with my parish's curate {new associate priest} on Easter Sunday

Today is the anniversary of the ordination of The Philadelphia 11: the first women to be ordained as priests in The Episcopal Church. I often wonder why this day is not on our calendar as a feast day, but I'm just a parishioner in Pensacola, Florida. 

  Anyway, I am grateful for the sacrifice, persistence and bravery of these women. Without them and their willingness to bravely be pioneers, the two priests I have in my life would not be able to live out each woman's calling. While I know many fine clergy who are men, the validity of their ordinations has never been questioned. Men have been leading Christian communities as clergy since the beginning of organized Christian communities. 

 Like with many human institutions, the Church was-- and in some ways still is ruled by the patriarchy.  We've made big strides since 11 brave women walked into that church to be " irregularly" ordained.  Yet  I cannot help but remember that some people-- some Christians-- are working fervently to turn back the clock regarding equality for all genders.  After watching the nation's highest court sweep body autonomy away from half the nation's population, I cannot help but wait for the next shoe to drop. It is a scary time to be a woman in America-- but I am encouraged by the bravery of my foremothers in faith. I am also encouraged by the women I know here-- both lay and ordained-- for stepping up and bravely doing work in Christ's Name. 

 My prayer is that I -- in whatever way I am needed-- can be brave enough to step out on the correct side of history.  I'm proud that God created me as a woman-- and know that The Divine One still has plans for my second half of life on earth. 

 Thank you, Adonai, for showing the Philadelphia 11 the way to break barriers so that other women wo are so called may pursue ordination. Also, I give thanks to all my sisters and mothers-in-Christ who are willing to be brave enough to do hard work in Your Son's name. Amen. 

Sarah McCarren 

29 July 2022

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