Thursday, August 29, 2024

Whacked Neck: Part 2

                           Since I must wear the collar for the foreseeable future, I " bedazzled" it with stickers . 

For my entire life, my spine has been my " Achilles' Heel" It began with TWO major, open surgeries I endured as a 12-year-old for severe scoliosis. I still carry the big scars down my back and side-- if on gets close enough to me to look.  To be honest, I do not have many memories of that summer--- my amnesia over my entire middle-school years is a blessing in many ways. 

Fast forward to age 40-41. Now in middle-age, I experienced severe pain, tingling and some numbness that went from my neck, down my right arm, and to my fingers.  After months of ineffective physical therapy, I was referred to a neurosurgeon. He, along with his team, removed the offending herniated spinal disk {The disk was pinching a nerve root, causing all of my symptoms} and fused the vertebrae. 

I woke with the use of my arm and hand totally restored. However, it was a long and miserable recovery. Brian and I moved to Pensacola during my initial recovery period, and I was totally useless in packing for the move-- I was strictly prohibited from picking up anything heavier than a milk jug for the first three months post-op. 

Fast-forward to 2024: After months of suffering in silence {because I knew what would happen} I finally had imaging done on my neck. The images confirmed what I already knew: I have another herniated cervical disk

The current situation is that I am waiting to hear from a specialist-- referrals can take up to TWO WEEKS to process. Meanwhile I am wearing my bedazzled soft neck collar and limiting m physical activities.  My prayer is that there is some sort of new treatment for this condition that can replace the need for yet another spinal surgery. 

I'm right-handed. Try going through one day without using your dominant hand. Trust me-- it is not easy! 

I'm a musician-- I cannot play the piano nor the ukulele if I lose function in one hand. 

Please keep me {and Brian, my spouse} in prayer as I navigate this situation. 


Sarahbeth McCarren

29 August 2024

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