Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Testing 123 testing....

  I am testing how to blog from my Galaxy Tablet, sine I'll be using this format to keep in touch with folks back home while I am at Triennial. I had to reset all my passwords , since the new-to- me tablet is handed down from Brian. 

I'm grateful 🙏  but she's, all the password changing has been daunting. But it will save my bank a lot of pain, as the tablet is much  lighter than my laptop, and still has all the features I'll need to do my work at Triennial. 

The voting will be done electronically,  so I needed emaill access. I'll post to our Assembly 's  Facebook page, so needed ( and wanted ) access to Facebook.  Additionally,  I'd told my sisters here in Pensacola as well as our priest that I'll update them daily using this blog. 

There has been much beta testing of this device, making sure it is travel ready by tomorrow.  

Prayers, if you pray, are appreciated,as I am not fond of air travel. But, it is the only way to Louisville  for me. 

My bags are packed and I'm excited 😊.  This is such an incredible  honor, and I look forward  to sharing the experience  from my room at The Galt House Hotel  and upon my return. 

Blessings, and as always, For His Sake....


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