Monday, August 14, 2023

Words fail sometimes, but Music always speaks



As an empathic person, I pick up a lot from other people. Their energy tells me things that words either cannot or will not. 

My priest says that this trait is a gift, but I am not quite sure that I believe her. 

This is why I am grateful to be taking piano lessons at middle-age. Music has opened up a whole new avenue for me to express some " big feelings", that do not involve other people. 

Life is tough. As our associate priest reminded us on Sunday: "God has us". As a person of faith, I know this to be true. After over 40 years of life, I've seen enough of God's goodness to be certain that there IS a " rhyme and reason" for the hard stuff life seems to throw at us regularly. 

Personally, my life has been fairly smooth as of late. Brian and I just returned home from a wonderful short trip to New Orleans. I'm FINALLY getting some real answers and a treatment plan for my chronic nerve pain in my back. Brian is doing well, and so are my parents. 

Yet I have other loved ones who are facing some BIG challenges right now. For reasons of confidentiality-- I cannot talk about these matters {and anyway, the stories are not mine to tell} 

For we empathic " feelers-- I am a classic Myers-Briggs INFJ-- it is hard to carry others' loads. I've always been a creative person, so painting, drawing and now MUSIC  helps me cope with the big feelings. 

Music especially helps me say what words often fail to convey. 

This is why arts education-- especially music-- is so important. 

Do I wish I'd taken music lessons as a child. Of course! But looking back, I probably was not ready {lacking the ability to follow through affected me as a child much more than as an adult. } I am grateful to have a healthy way to cope with life's challenges that also adds much beauty to my life. 

Where words fail, music speaks.

Hans Christian Andersen


Sarahbeth McCarren

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