Monday, March 27, 2023

My " Room Of Her Own'


                                           Hand Selfie 

Brian bought me a gently used full electronic keyboard for an early birthday present. Although this one is older than my previous, 61-key electronic piano keyboard, it has WEIGHTED KEYS { its a big deal for me-- and a necessity for any serious beginning pianist} 

To accommodate the bigger, heavier instrument, I finally cleaned out my " junk room" and turned it into a Music Room/ Library. Brian is thrilled that the room is neat, and I am thrilled to have my own space in our small city cottage. 

I am pleased with the results! Check it out: 

                                           Sarah Beth's Room of Her Own 
I'm still waiting to get the adjustable piano bench-- one that will have a drawer for all my music and various music-related things{My birthday is in May}. When this happens, the unsightly pile of sheet music and music books will not be seen. 

I put my framed photo of Doc on my piano, where I can see her smiling at me, healthy and whole { as when I was in college}. I imagine she is shaking her head at my desire to learn popular and rock music over classical pieces, but I also imagine her smiling at me when I do well in my lessons.  It is not shown in this photo, but I placed a framed photo of myself with my piano teacher. 

I think Doc knew her professionally, and probably would agree that she is the " right" piano teacher for my needs and goals. For several reasons, I will never be a great pianist, but with a lot of work I can increase my skills and re-connect some damaged neural pathways. 

I'm happy with my " room of her own" , and will sign off with this quote from Virginia Woolf. 

" Women have sat indoors all these millions of years, so by this time the very walls are permeated by  their creative force, which has, indeed, so overcharged the capacity of bricks and mortar that it must needs harness itself to pens and brushes and business and politics. "

Preach it, sister! 

Sarah Beth McCarren 

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