Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Quotable Quote of The Year : Joining The Table


     Anyone who knows me at all knows that I am totally " fangirling" {is this even a word... at any rate it is now} over Mariska Hargitay. I've been a faithful viewer of Law and Order: SVU since its premiere season back in 1999. I'd just moved to Florida less than a year, and still felt like I was flailing around anchorless. The character of " Olivia Benson" and I grew up together. 

 I don't " fangirl" often, but the more I learn about my favorite actress, the more I want to {somehow and someday} meet her in person. Unlike a lot of Hollywood actresses, Mariska Hargitay embraces ageing. She's in her late-50's and wears her more mature years well. Of course, it helps that her parents were Jayne Mansfield {Sorry, Marilyn shippers, I'm Team Jayne} and { Mr Universe} Mickey Hargitay-- she hit the gene pool jackpot. 

Anyway, when scrolling my Twitter account on Sunday, I came across this quote by my favorite actress: 

" I used to think that everyone was better than me, Now I know what I bring to the table." 

Yes. Yes. Yes. 

This quote summarizes most of my experience here in Pensacola. For years, I felt like I did not belong, that I am inherently flawed-- that God made some joke on humanity by creating me as They did. To my credit, I am 100 percent resilient, and I learned to at least find a place at the corner of the Table of Life.  I worked hard to blend in and not make waves, a skill I developed in middle and high school in order to hide from bullies. Heck, most of the time I felt content to not be invited to the table, because I knew people could not accept my full self. 

It was lonely. 

It wasn't until Brian and I made the big move to Pensacola that I broke out of my shell enough to let people see my full self. Finding a faith community where I {and everyone else} is AFFIRMED is a big part of my newfound confidence. Not long-ago Brian and I discussed what it means to be " welcoming" versus really AFFIRMING people who might not fit our mold-- especially in Christian circles. 

here is an article on affirming versus welcoming that explains the difference between two similar, but distinct adjectives. 

We can WELCOME people into our lives & communities, as long as they ' know their place'. 

We AFFIRM someone when we see their full self and integrate them fully into our personal/common lives. 

Feeling invisible, or worse--- feeling totally unwanted, in a faith community hurts. This can be something as arbitrary as age and/or gender-- some communities cannot or will not see younger women as bringing anything of value to the table. However, if one's spouse is a man of a certain age, he's clearly invited to the table. 

Invisibility sucks. I'm glad I am not invisible, but many others wait silently and hope-full, as I did. 

Knowing that I am loved just as God made me and affirmed in my community is such a blessing. yet I speak from points of privilege: I am White, cis-gendered and middle-class.  My challenge is: How can we make all persons feel affirmed, knowing that their presence at the table will enrich everyone? 


Sarah McCarren

September 13 2022 

Feast Of the Holy Cross


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