Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Gift of Music Lessons

                                            Photo of me at the gorgeous piano at my Atlanta family's home over Thanksgiving.  Photo by Barbara , aka Mom. 

Wednesday, November 29 marks the one-year anniversary of my piano study journey. 

I know folks are probably sick of me flooding social media with music-related content-- but hey-- I look at everyone's kids & grandkids every damn day. 

I get it . Progeny are blessings. 

But for those of us who find ourselves at midlife with no progeny {be this by choice or circumstance}, we often need to carve different paths for the second half of life.  Before anyone skewers me online for being " anti-parent" and " hateful"{yeah, this actually happened to me} I know how important parenthood is-- and I respect the good parents I know. 

But parenthood and grandparenthood are not in my path. At midlife, I've been given a wonderful chance to learn music-- piano music in particular.  I've always wanted to learn piano-- so realizing a lifelong dream at middle-age is an incredible blessing. 

I am not the easiest piano student. I'm neurodivergent, and part of my " crossed wiring" has me struggle with the right & left sides of my brain communicating effectively. Additionally, my eyes have trouble tracing-- which is why I could never play softball or tennis and am not-- as much as I tried-- a good basketball player. 

First of all, I'd like to thank Brian, my spouse. Without him, nothing I do would be possible, including music lessons. For nearly every Wednesday, Brian sits patiently while I am in my half-hour lesson, staring at the beautiful guitars, working crossword puzzles, or chatting with the staff. He's proud of me-- and I am grateful for his support. In addition to transporting me to my lessons, he puts up with my daily practicing-- and even says he enjoys listening to me. Often, I'll play the same phrase over and over, trying to perfect the notes and/or rhythm and timing. 

My teacher makes this possible too. While I am sure there are many wonderful piano teachers in the Pensacola area, having someone who understands the neurodivergent brain and can adjust the teaching methods to accommodate my needs is such a gift. 

Music education is so important. In this crazy, divided world, there are few things left that unite us as people. Music unites us-- and makes us human. From a spiritual perspective art-- any art-- allows us to co-create with our Creator. 

It is never too late to fulfil a childhood dream. And, since I've no obligations to children or grandchildren, I can more fully focus on music. I'm grateful that I can always find time to practice daily.  Brian and I designed a room that is mine. I call it the Music Room {Hats off to my late friend Lynne " Doc" Lauderdale -- she loved her own Music Room. }

Music gives me more self-confidence. There is a lot of satisfaction in learning something that teachers to me was " impossible" due to clumsy hands and short attention span. Interestingly, music study has improved my attention span. It has also improved my problem-solving abilities.  Sight reading songs before lessons can help with basic problem-solving skills. 

Music study has also brought more wonderful people into my life. Musicians love talking shop with other musicians, and I've gotten so much encouragement from other musicians I know. 

Making music is life-changing for me. 

With a song in my heart...

Sarahbeth McCarren 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A Complicated Stance

                                          Well, I'd never thought I'd make a public statement on the Israel/ Palestine conflict before... but here we are. 

M name is Sarahbeth. I stand with Israel. 

Normally I'd never make such a clear statement on such a controversial subject{I gave up politics on social media years ago and my life as been much better since then} 

However, as a Christian--- and a Christian with Ashkenazi Jewish DNA, I must stand with Israel. 

To me, this conflict is not about politics. I'm putting aside my understanding of Israel's complicated, controversial history in favor of standing up for what is morally right. 

As An American of Ashkenazi descent-- I understand all too well what state-sanctioned murder can look like. 

Murdering innocents of a people who you neither like nor trust is never okay. 

My forbearers were refugees from a cruel minority party that rose to power by murdering innocents. 

I support Israel because the horrors of the Holocaust are real-- in spite of what some deniers might insist. 

Israle hasn't always been right in every conflict-- especially in recent years. 

As an American, I am aware of this fact. 

As a person of faith, supporting Israel in this war is essential. 

State-sanctioned terrorism is never okay, and Hamas are terrorists. 

Let me also say that I've also never been a Zionist. I respect people I know, and love who think that Israel is blameless, but that is not what I see. 

My support of Israel is coming from a place of faith and a humanitarian concern rather than " playing politics" with Americans who see things differently. 

For we Christians, we are preparing to remember the birth of a baby.. a baby born to Jewish parents in a territory that was occupied by the Roman Empire. 

It is for that Baby's sake-- and for the sake of so many families torn apart by the actions of an evil group-- that I support Israel. 

Peace, friends...

Sarahbeth McCarren 

21 Nov 2023

Friday, November 17, 2023

Heavy Burdens.. and a safe space


                                           Brian and I walked the labyrinth on our church's campus thus afternoon.  Photo by Me . 

Happy Holidays, y'all. 

 Saying " Happy Holidays IS NOT a battle in the imagined " war on Christmas", it is merely acknowledging that many Americans celebrate a myriad of special days during these last two months of the Gregorian calendar year. 

But I digress {again} 

The holiday season, one that is rooted in joy and thanksgiving, is hard for many people. 

It is extremely difficult for many of us to live up to the Norman Rockwellish  portrayal of this time of year that Madison Avenue and Hallmark's Christmas Movie marathon tries to sell us. 

Scrolling through my Facebook feed, I see countless ads for " Black Friday " deals. Coming from retailing families on both sides of my lineage, there is NOTHING " fun about the Friday after our National Day of Thanksgiving. 

Furthermore, there is that White-washed, inaccurate, racist and harmful narrative about the " Pilgrims" landing here in search of religious freedom.  I've had to totally reframe T-Day from a national celebration to a personal one: the entire month of November is a month where I celebrate the bounty that The Divine has given to me in the waning year. 

All this to days that I struggle with Seasons al Depression during what marketers tell us is The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. 

Today I was really struggling with the seasonal depression, so Brian and I drove to our church and walked our beautiful outdoor labyrinth, which is set as the centerpiece of our Meditation Garden. 

This special, sacred PUBLIC place is the result of A LOT of dreamers ... and even more doers in my congregation.  While this place sits on the property of a Christian church, it is a place for all people to come, sit under the shady or carefully walk the beautiful labyrinth. This space was paid for and is maintained by generous volunteers in my congregation. 

Am I proud of this space? Yes!  

More importantly, I, like many others, need this space this season. While security measures leave many houses of worship locked, or at least monitored by security cameras, this outdoor meditation space is open twenty-four hours seven days per week. The two metal arbors welcome all who seek-- whatever they seek. It is here where people can commune with Nature. 

Plants, trees, and the Earth herself welcome world-weary humans and invite us to lay down our burdens and be reminded that we are enough.  

Before Brian and I walked the labyrinth, I picked up a heavy white stone and put it in the back pocket of my blue jeans. When I arrived at the center of the labyrinth, I placed the heavy white stone in the center of the labyrinth. As I made this simple gesture, I felt my burdens, at least the burdens that I carried today, lift. Turning around, I walked from the center towards the beginning of the labyrinth. 

In case any of my readers are clueless, as to what I am discussing, here is the dictionary definition of  labyrinth . 

I am grateful that this space exists in Pensacola, and I am even more grateful that it exists on the property of  St Christopher's Episcopal Church, Pensacola   


Sarahbeth McCarren 

Nov 17  2023