Monday, October 31, 2022

A Week From Election: 2022


Tonight, marks one week from the General Election, 2022. I've done a fair job of trying to stay away from political ads on TV{ We don't watch much} and even watching debates of races that I vote in-- I need to maintain my sanity. 

In Florida, I am worried about my future and the future of people I love. 

With Roe V Wade overturned, several mothers of daughters I know are having touch talks with their young women at ages when I-- and my age peers-- were still building forts in the backyard. Thank God I grew up in the 1980s-- life was far from perfect then, but at least my parents didn't need to worry about their fifth grader falling pregnant by an assault and forced to carry to term. This is the reality that parents and other caregivers of preteen girls face with the erasure of Roe in a state whose lawmakers pander to a certain ideology that strips half of the population of body autonomy. 

I am past child-bearing age, but I care about the health and welfare of those who are{ or who soon will be} of childbearing age. 

Florida's lawmakers are chipping away at the civil rights of the state's non-straight citizens-- and reserving special venomous for transgender people. Recently the medical board of this " great state" chose to deny lifesaving medical care to transgender children. Again, this was made due to some lobbying by people with misinformed and hate filled opinions on gender. 

I vote.  I have volunteered on a campaign. I text banked. { and got some ugly replied from Floridians} I show up for legal demonstrations. I show up on campus wearing a purple " Free Mom Hugs" in support of young LGBTQ+ persons. 

Insurance rates for homeowners will rise-- and companies will drop whom they choose. 

Why? The simple fact is that Big Corporations have more rights than living, breathing people. 

What I've earned for all my efforts is some people who should love me unconditionally choose not to talk to me. 

I voted, knowing damn well that Florida will do what Florida does best lately-- pander to the hatred that rose to the surface in recent years. 

I'm tired. I'm PISSED-OFF!  Yet I am never ashamed to be on the correct side-- the JUST side-- of history. 

As a child and young voter, I took pride in Election Day. Sadly, voting seems like a chore now-- a chore that will not bring light to many law-abiding, tax-paying Americans. I'm fortunate in that I carry a lot of privilege, and that is why I want others to have the necessities available to me. 


Sarah Beth

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