Thursday, February 17, 2022

#DIOCGC22 Back, and in-Person

                                           2022 is a better year. Photo by Brian. 

After two years away, I am happy to report that I am attending this year's Convention of The Episcopal Church in The Central Gulf Coast. As someone wo is ** not** a voting delegate, I am not required to tune into tonight's business session via Zoom. Amen to this-- as I hate Zoom & would have tuned in if needed but am grateful for the pass this year. 

Brian & I already packed and took care of various household needs, so to get an early start on our day trip over to Fort Walton Beach, Florida. 

\I got my hair trimmed & found an adorable dress at Beall's Outlet. For almost two years, tere was no need to buy new clothes, so I took this opportunity for some retail therapy. 

 Michael Curry+, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, is the guest keynote speaker. I'm looking forward to Brian's first chance to meet him & am also waiting to tell him that I KNEW years ago {he was the guest bishop at a Convention here} that he would end up as our Presiding Bishop. 

Also, I am totally stoked to get to see many loved ones from around my Diocese-- most of whom I'd not seen since this Pandemic arrived on our shores. I know that the organizers of the in-person portion of the Convention have done their due diligence regarding COVID safety. 

If you are on Instagram, I will post photos there. My IG handle is : the_pensacola_hippie . 


Sarah McCarren

february 17 2022. 

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